Alumni Association 50th Anniversary Commemmorative Display

This project was initiated by the Alumni Association under the artistic/creative direction of Gayle Hurmuses, and was installed on the 2nd floor of the school in June 2012.

50th Anniversary Display

Bob Doi, member of the Alumni Committee, poses at the newly installed 50th Anniversary Commemorative Wall Display at Thomson Collegiate.

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1960 1969 1970 1979 1980 1989 1990 1999 2000 2009
1961 1968 1971 1978 1981 1988 1991 1998 2001 2008
1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
1963 1966 1973 1976 1983 1986 1993 1996 2003 2006
1964 1965 1974 1975 1984 1985 1994 1995 2004 2005