Great news! Construction of the new David and Mary Thomson school building started today, April 17, 2017. The general contractor has taken control of the site, located in the open field north-west of our present school. Perimeter fencing has been installed and soon heavy machinery will begin foundation work on the site.
Opening of the new David and Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute is scheduled for September 2019. This web site will follow progress of the construction work in coming months.
The Thomson Alumni Association is planning a 60th anniversary celebration for the school, which will be hosted in May 2019, and a perfect way for all alumni to salute our old school building before its demolition and the hand-off of its proud legacy to the new building.
Click on this image for an enlarged rendering of the new school, presently under construction:
1 comment so far ↓
Hey y’all,
It seems I’ve fallen seriously out of the loop. If anyone could fill in some of the blanks, I’d be grateful!
1. Last thing I seem to remember was that the Bendale and Thomson would be merged to form a “Super School.”
2. I was pretty sure the school would be called “David and Mary Thomson”
3. I’ve heard mentions of townhouses (anywhere from 11 to 220) being built on the property?
4. I seem to remember the lands being donated to the city by the Thomson family for the sole purpose of a school?
5. I’ve also heard murmurs about a French Language school taking over?
I’d be grateful for my blanks to be filled.
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