Sat. May 4, 2019: Thomson’s 60th anniversary reunion & celebration

Your Alumni, in collaboration with the school administration, have settled on a date for our 60th Anniversary and Farewell to the Old School celebrations in 2019.

Saturday May 4, 2019 is the date for Thomson CI’s 60th Anniversary reunion and celebration.

There will definitely be an “open house” at the old school during the afternoon, with the usual set-up of decade rooms and other areas in which to reconnect with fellow former Thomsonites.

In the evening, there will be a gala Pub Night at an off-campus site, which we hope to announce soon. A luncheon for present and former staff is another possibility. We expect to have a full schedule lined up by this summer. It will be announced in our fall newsletter, but our website ( and our Facebook pages will probably have details much earlier than that.

If you live in the GTA and would like to volunteer to help with planning and organizing or assisting on the day itself, we’d love to hear from you:


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