Reunion recap: thanks to ALL for attending! Thomson lives forever!

Gift presentation to reunion committee chair, Stanley Farrow, at the stage celebration (click image for close-up)

Please leave your post-reunion remarks (click ‘comments’ below) and let’s keep the conversation going! All persons who leave comments will receive follow-up news by e-mail very shortly from the Alumni committee about future plans for this web site.


#1 Donna on 05.03.09 at 12:09 pm

My brother Garth went but I was unable to make it at the last minute. Would of loved to have seen people who went to Thompson starting in /74. Also any who went to Highbrook before that and also St. Andrew’s elementary.

#2 Ray Lowe on 05.03.09 at 12:54 pm

I attended the event. It was a blast seeing old pals and really finding out what kind of a person you were. I was early 70s. I saw so many people and I am sorry I did not get a chance to see all. I was in the North west gym.If you remember me and did not get a chance to say hi, please drop a line. Those were good times. The memories live on!!!

#3 Gabriel Ponikowski on 05.03.09 at 12:57 pm

It was great walking down memory lane!

#4 Lisa Lythgoe Dykeman on 05.03.09 at 2:44 pm

Thanks to the reunion committee for all their hard work planning yesterday’s celebration. It was so great to see everyone. Walking the halls of Thomson again brought back so many memories! It really was fun!!

#5 Gary Rankin on 05.03.09 at 5:07 pm

It was a great thrill to be part of the ceremonies and pipe in the processional party along with my 2 good Thomson friends. To walk down the halls and take in all the classrooms & lockers lol was a great thrill as well as meeting teachers and friends. Long live the Thomson name & spirit!

#6 Dianne Plowman on 05.03.09 at 5:54 pm

What a blast to see everyone! But I was so busy talking in the gym, I missed the official ceremonies. I hope others who were there with video cameras will post more than just the song. It would be great to see more of what I missed.

#7 Judi Smart on 05.03.09 at 6:51 pm

Although it was sad to be in the building for what I knew was going to be the last time it was nice to share of my best memories with old classmates. I had an absolutely great time, saw so many people that I haven’t thought of in years. It’s ashame we don’t stay in touch with the people that once were a very important part of our lives.

#8 Tara Bertram-Glennie on 05.03.09 at 7:39 pm

I had to work and I still want to cry about missing the event! Anyone that wants to contact me please do…I want to hear from everyone I went to school with! Thanks to those that put this on, it was a huge effort but I hear it was very well put on and loved by everyone….congrats on a a great event!

#9 Denise Turner nee Hodge on 05.03.09 at 7:44 pm

To everyone I connected with at the reunion, it was great to see all and very heartwarming to be able to continue conversations with friends as if 30 odd years were not between us. As we are all growing older, it was a day we could be teens again, but just wiser!!! It’s sad it will be the last but if anyone has a list of us class of 74-75ers, I would love to connect as a group occasionally again. Thank you to the committee!!!

#10 Andy Hayne on 05.03.09 at 8:10 pm

Who wrote the song?

(Andy, once again you were not paying attention during class! Mr. Duff mentioned from stage that Thomson’s original head of music, Mr. Jolliffe, penned the song in 1959. – William Stratas, webmaster)

#11 Tom Wheler on 05.03.09 at 9:13 pm

I just want to extend my congratualtions and thanks to the organizers. I had a terrific time.

#12 Geri McLoughlin nee Graham on 05.03.09 at 9:15 pm

Lorne and I missed the official ceremonies, but couldn’t believe all the people we ran into… awesome to walk those halls full of memories for the last time… Tom Brown, where’s that pic of me in my mini-skirt at the dance you told me about…( Say hi to you sister Susan for me!!! Too bad she didn’t make it. Thanks to everyone on the reunion committee – it was a great afternoon…

#13 Athina Popalis-Seguin on 05.03.09 at 9:52 pm

Thank you to the reunion committee for your hard work! I had an amazing time! Great seeing old friends and just getting caught up on everyone’s lives.

#14 Jack LoGiacco on 05.04.09 at 12:30 am

To all the wonderful people who put the time and effort into yesterdays reunion, thank you so very much. It was wonderful to see old friends, teachers and to reconnect with the many people that made my teen years so memorable. As I entered the school from the north parking lot, it brought back a flood of memories as I walked south through the hallway towards the front foyer. I felt a rush of emotions as I did in my first day as a “Niner” and then went on to spend the best four years of my youth at Thomson as a student . So many great teachers, so many great friends and so many great times.

#15 Brian Taylor on 05.04.09 at 6:58 am

Since a new school building is a done deal ….. memo to Scott Harrison …… have Stan Farrow, William Stratas et al involved in the opening of the new D & MT.
I had a great time ” stuck in the 70’s” for over 3 hours. The one time I stepped out of the north gym I ran into 2 friends from my Gr 2 class at Hunters’ Glen PS.

#16 Viktorija Milenkovski on 05.04.09 at 8:13 am

I remember I had to learn this song at our Athletic Leadership Meeting every September and not one person knew that we had a school song. I found myself singing it for the next 2 weeks. It’s amazing how much we’ve lost as means of creating a community and an identity within our education system. I’m really proud of being a Thomson graduate and I hope it brings others great memories as well.

#17 Pat Chenell on 05.04.09 at 10:43 am

Nice event! It was so great to see some old friends and fave teachers including Mr. Farrow, Mr. Tucker and Ms. Iannacci (I still remember her handing out Baci chocolates on Valentine’s day about 1976!)

#18 Dave Boorne on 05.04.09 at 10:48 am

Thanks to all the organizers of the 50TH. Was great to see all those from the earliest years. A real treat to talk to John Anderson and recall all those early morning math classes.
Looking for Bob Stevens 1963-4. E mail at

#19 Allen Quinlan on 05.04.09 at 12:29 pm

Hi I was at the re-union.I came later just around 2:30 pm.I had seen an ad in the Scarborough Mirror about this re-union two days prior to this event.I had mixed feelings about coming to this re-union,as I had walked around the track outside and thinking should I really go inside and go through with meeting people I haven’t seen or talked to in over 25 years?Well, I finally went in and did say hello to a few of the folks I had known,but these people were more or less I knew before Thomson.I was a bit disappointed I didn’t see others including the old teachers. I graduated from Thomson in 1982.I am kind of sad seeing that this building will be torn down,as to be honest trying to put more kids in a larger school with more grades from 1 to 12 is not going to help those who truly need more time to learn! I should know as I truly struggled at times in school.I was lucky that I went to Thomson as before the counsellors from earlier in public school suggested that I go to Bendale instead.At that time Bendale was kind of like for folks who were not that bright which is really a put down for those who eventually went there! I have lived here all my life and this area looks a bit run down now which is sad!

#20 Bill Rankin on 05.04.09 at 1:04 pm

WOW…great reunion !!…going through the rooms, auditorium, hallways brought back great memories from 30 years ago ! it was like stepping back in time….Original pictures on the walls i remembered from back then… walk into the Music classroom 30 years later….all great memories of being in music class and in the band came rushing back….performing on the stage in the auditorium back then…nothing but great memories from a great school…..Thomson Forever !!!

#21 Karen Sencich (nee MacDonald) on 05.04.09 at 2:19 pm

Thank you so much for posting the Youtube clip of the school song! My only regret of the day was missing the song. It was an amazing afternoon at the school and later at the Embers. A big job, well done by the committee. The St. Andrews students will have another chance to meet at their fall reunion on October 3, 2009. (Take note Donna and Garth). I’m waiting to hear back about the St. Andrews website details.

#22 Jane Veal on 05.04.09 at 2:47 pm

Thanks to the organziers who did an awesome job. Great to catch up with everyone. Hopefully we can stay in touch for the 75th! cheers.

#23 Maria T. on 05.04.09 at 3:39 pm

I have many fond memories of Thomson and was saddened to hear of it’s upcoming demolition. What a wonderful Reunion and memories that will be with me and other’s for a very long time!

#24 Elaine Ferguson (nee Hardy) on 05.04.09 at 5:28 pm

Nice to have this site to post an after-reunion message – Thanks! Elaine from Class of 1967 (4B12C)
I was hesitant to go to the reunion, but decided I just HAD to see Thomson one last time. I was sure no one would recognize or remember me, but I was quite wrong! Even with just a few of us from 1967 showing up, I was thrilled to meet up again with “the girls” (Sandy Fillier, Ann Rawlings, Judy Wren, Louise Bell) and “the boys” (Ken Shank, Danny Woods). I was hoping to see other classmates – where are you, Gloria Baron? It was wonderful to see other familiar faces from the 60’s (Glynis Tantrum, Jane Hughes) and several others I recalled. The alumni & organizing committee did a tremendous job of posting all that 60’s memorabilia & the CHUM Chart! I was happy to see ALL the yearbook photos & would have brought my Tom-Tom if only I knew where it ended up 42 years later… I’m also glad that SOMEONE kept those band & music groups pics from the 60’s to display – I used to go the Gogue Inn dances to see those groups! I found myself remembering a lot of the school song, which surprised me! I even tried to find our “attic” home room on the 3rd floor (I know, WHAT 3rd floor), but sadly, the hall doors were locked. I wish the reunion lasted longer; it seemed too short.. Perhaps there can be a 60th at the same location – after all, it’s still the “spirit” of Thomson that matters! If you want to say hi, email

#25 Gordon David Strickland on 05.04.09 at 7:15 pm

I really wish I could have made it ya’ll, but duty calls and I’m on the road doin what I do. I hope you all enjoyed yourself.

One question. Who is the most famous Thomson Alumni??

#26 Kathryn Irwin on 05.04.09 at 8:19 pm

What a wonderful day! From the moment I entered the building on Saturday and met up with old friends and favourite teachers it seemed as if no time at all had passed. It was so nice to have a chance to be transported back in time (25 years!!) for a just short while to laugh with friends and remember the great years at that very special school. Thank you to the committee for making it possible. And, as always, a special thank you to Mr.Farrow who will always be the heart and soul of Thomson. Although it is hard for me to believe but I have currently taught at the same school for 20 years and know how much a school, the students and their families can become a special part of one’s life. Many special Thomson teachers, especially Mr Farrow, were my first role models and continue to inspire me! Thank you so much!

#27 Jeff Duggan & Donna Macklem (Duggan) on 05.04.09 at 8:29 pm

Thank you to the organizers of the Reunion for all your hard work. It was a bittersweet experience knowing the school is going to be demolished but it was great to see the old school and wonderful to see old friends and reconnect.

#28 J. Petrovich on 05.04.09 at 11:28 pm

Heh Brian,Scott,Brad,Bill,Rob,Cindy,Curt and others,it was like a Hunter’s Glen reunion in a reunion, I still have my grade 8 grad photo, too bad I missed Charlie Little at the Embers, I would have liked to see him and Judy. Thank you for all the hard work Mr Farrow,and everyone who made it possible for this to happen. I had a great time and I would not have missed it for the world. It was such a big part of my life. I would have liked to have seen Mr. Hawkes and Miss Pellow , I still love history.
John Petrovich

#29 Drew Taylor on 05.05.09 at 8:08 am

Wow, what a great time. Thank you to all the organizers for your hard work! It was great to have the old LRG back together! The time was so short and I’m sure I missed many people I would have loved to speak with. It was also great to have my brother Ron up from Atlanta and for him to re-connect with his friends.
If you would like to say hi I can be reached at;
Drew Taylor

#30 Carol Taylor Ristevski on 05.05.09 at 11:01 am

The reunion was a blast!! I can’t believe how many old friends I had the chance to catch up with. My brother Neil and I had a fantastic time. Great turn out at the Embers of the early to mid 80’s group. For those I didn’t catch up with, drop me a line:


#31 Kathy Tae (Stoddart) on 05.05.09 at 12:11 pm

What a great time! It was wonderful to see so many old friends. Thanks to the organizers for making this event such a success. If anyone wants to keep in touch:
Kathy Tae

#32 Hillar Alkok on 05.05.09 at 2:00 pm

It was great and a bit intimidating seeing friends from 35 years ago. Sorry I had to leave early to officiate at a wedding in Oakville. To the young lady that I used to babysit 40 years ago…you made my day!

#33 Lisa Roberts (McBride) on 05.05.09 at 4:54 pm

I missed the reunion due to family obligations, but I’m having a blast looking through everyone’s pictures they’ve uploaded to Facebook. So many haven’t changed one bit from how I remember them! Sad the school will be torn down, and that’s what makes it so hard about not being able to see it one last time 🙁

Next pub night….I’m there!

#34 Tracey Rea (nee Perks) on 05.05.09 at 6:35 pm

I had an absolute blast on Saturday! To the friends from back in the day – it was great reconnecting with you again. To the friends who either I didn’t see or weren’t there – drop me a line via email or on Facebook.
Thanks a bunch to everyone who worked so hard to put this event together – it was appreciated more than you can ever know.

#35 John West on 05.05.09 at 9:59 pm

The first classmates I reunited with were also my shipmates on the SS Nevasa, a three week educational cruise in the Mediterranean that our history teacher, Mr. Brown, organized in February 1971. Now that’s what I call a fieldtrip! It was amazing how easily we recalled the on-ship antics of fellow Thomsonites so long ago. Thanks for a memorable afternoon!

#36 Debbie Reid on 05.06.09 at 9:27 am

I really enjoyed the open house at the school. It was great to wander the halls again and talk to teachers and classmates I hadn’t seen in ages. I had a core group of friends come from all over Canada to attend the event. Thanks Carol P, Chris K, Sue C, Deb S. Gord H and Nancy Y for making the whole weekend an event to remember!
Thanks to the reunion committee for making this day a success and to Mr. Farrow for his long time love and dedication to Thomson. Also thanks to Bill Stratas for a great website that lets us keep in touch!
We will be watching as the new school is built and hope that the spirit of Thomson remains in it.

#37 Dylan Bradbury on 05.06.09 at 11:37 pm

I only graduated in 2007, and therefore there weren’t too many people I recognized, but it was so nice to see how much the friendships and walls of Thomson meant to fellow “DMTers”.

To the people I did recognize, it was great to catch up.

#38 Allan Shaw on 05.08.09 at 2:08 pm

It was definitely an interesting experience once again wandering the halls of DMT and to see the changes which have taken place since the 25TH anniversary. The auditorium seating definitely hasn’t improved after all these years, still painful. It was a great opportunity to revisit some old memories and a book/chaptr in my life long since closed.

#39 Cindy Wozniak on 05.08.09 at 2:42 pm

Jack LoGiacco my apologies for not remembering you when we met in the Gym last Saturday – unfortunately some memories fade after 30+ years!

Immediately opened the Thomson year book when I got home – then the memories of you and my old friends came flooding back.

It was great to see so many of my 70’s friends – Jean-Marie, Karen M., Julie P., Laurie B., Dave Beauchamp, Sandra Peck, John, Sean, Brian, Doug . . .

#40 Jay DAVIDSON on 05.08.09 at 11:31 pm


I sorely miss not having been able to attend the reunion…be well all.

#41 Jim Lawrie on 05.09.09 at 11:53 am

The reunion was a fantastic event and I hope I get to see everybody again … soon … like not in 25 years this time!

#42 Bob McBride on 05.10.09 at 2:26 pm

Lisa, We will be discussing a pub night in the near future. I agree with Jim Lawrie. No waiting 25 years.

#43 Andrea Fountain on 05.12.09 at 1:54 pm

To Katie, Michelle and Carol it was great hanging around with you guys, just like the old days! It was a great reunion and really nice to see old friends again. To Mr. Farrow and the reunion committee, thank you for all of your hard work and making this reunion such a success. I hope the new super Thomson (or whatever they decide to name it) provides as many great memories as our Thomson did.

#44 Bob Forrest on 05.12.09 at 2:10 pm

Bob M, i would imagine we will probably do a pub night in our usual time frame, which will probably be in November, correct?

#45 Kevin Perry on 05.12.09 at 8:02 pm

It was really nice to see some old friends from the past. We grew up in a great place . Keep in touch on FaceBook.
Take care and be safe.

#46 Tom Allan on 05.13.09 at 10:07 am

The reunion was great. There were lots of familiar faces to catch up. Unfortunately, I only bumped into 3 other people from my 1965 graduating class but it was really nice to see them and catch up (Karee W., Sue D. & Lynn W.). I was hoping to see several other people that I hadn’t seen or spoken with in over 40 years and again, I only saw one of them. People do move on and are scattered around the globe. It sure brought lots of really good memories back and the people associated with them. Also, unfortunately, the reunion also brought out some sadness when I found out about the passing of several friends from Thomson. They will be missed.

#47 rob dunleavy on 05.14.09 at 7:35 am

does anyone know who was the chap in the 1960s gym with the straw hat, hawaiin shirt, and tinted glasses, walking with a cane

#48 Mike Beck on 05.14.09 at 6:45 pm

Semper ubi sub ubi.

#49 Jayne Neate on 05.14.09 at 8:19 pm

I just had to say how wonderful it was reuniting and catching up with old friends, neighbours and classmates! Everyone looked so damn good and congratulations to all your successes. What an amazing group of people!

#50 Carolyn Kay on 05.16.09 at 1:40 pm

I loved this reunion and wish I could have stayed for the Embers event. So many people from my years (72-76) were there and they brought back all sorts of memories. Thomson was a huge part of my life, and had a very positive influence on me. Thanks to all those former Thomsonites who talked with me — I still feel connected!! And Mr. Farrow — ROCK ON!!!!

#51 Bob McBride on 05.18.09 at 7:46 pm

Bob F I believe that time frame would be correct in and about

#52 Graham Keats on 05.25.09 at 5:52 am

Chris & I had a great time at the reunion! Thanks to all the people on the committee and Stan Farrow for an excellent job.

It was fun to see a lot of people we haven’t seen for 30 years – Pete Giel, Helena Werstein, Louise Robinson, Wendy Sullivan, Louise Bell et al. We will try to keep in touch with everyone. Hate to see the old school torn down. The idea of having some of the bricks saved and embossed with the school emblem is excellent.

Looking forward to the 60th!

Anyone wanting to contact us can do so at:


#53 George Huff on 05.25.09 at 6:42 pm

I was on the Thomson science staff from 65-69; DMT was my very first school and I have fond memories of those years. It was good to see that staff at the reunions; some had aged a little and we could even recognize one another. I recall my first Grade 13 Chemistry class had 35 guys and Sally T; they were such gentleman and we had great fun.
Congratulations on your Anniversary.

#54 JohnWallace on 06.14.09 at 7:57 am

A special thanks to all who organized this event!!! It was great to see old friends and classmates after 30+ years, hopefully the tradition will continue.

#55 Steven Kruetzmann on 07.08.09 at 2:37 pm

I missed the reunion due to family matters. I wish I could have been there though!

#56 Janice Hamilton-Dicker (de Vries) on 07.20.09 at 5:15 pm

What a great time we had at the reunion. All of us de Vries kids, myself Janice, Lorraine, Johnny and Peter. As well as my husband Selwyn Hamilton-Dicker. We are all proud that we attended Thomson. It was nice to see old friends. The Committee did a marvelous job organizing the reunion. I only wish that we had more time to see everyone. We will miss the school, but our memories will stay with us forever. I graduated in 1979 and will look forward to St. Andrew’s school reunion in October. My e-mail address is

#57 Regina Reinke Sheere on 07.28.09 at 8:06 am

Due to family obligations I was not able to attend this event however seeing pictures and talking to fellow allumni’s I know that everyone had a great time. Anyone wishing to contact me can do so at or on facebook. Take care Reggie

#58 Helen Morissette (Salvarinis) on 08.24.09 at 11:05 am

I graduated in 1979. I’m sorry I missed this event. It would have been great to see everyone and catch up on the past 30 years! My e-mail address is

#59 Donna Putsey-Di Cristofaro on 09.07.09 at 10:19 pm

To any class of 79 graduates that knew Clara LoGiacco. Clara passed away Friday September 4th after 5 year battle with cancer. She will be missed. RIP Clara.

#60 Marilyn (Juli) Halter on 02.12.10 at 8:17 pm

I enjoyed myself from beginning to end … can’t believe how many memories were awakened, and how many people have hardly changed at all through the years ! Looking forward to the 60th {;o)

#61 Tom Wilson, class of '76 on 02.16.10 at 10:40 am

I, too, really enjoyed reconnnecting with old friends from Thomson. The after-gathering at the “Suburban” was also a blast. Most of the people I’d hoped to see were there…except for some teachers. I ran into the same teachers this time as the reunion in ’94. (Stan Farrow & Bob Williams). Nice to see everybody again.

#62 Pat Casazza on 01.28.11 at 3:12 pm

I am looking for my long ago friend, Nora Bates. She would have graduated in 1976. She had a younger sister, Diane Bates. We used to both live on Cartier Cresc. If you have any info or her co-ordinates, please write me or you can give her my phone number in Montreal: 514-685-1544 ext. 104
Thank you.
Pat Casazza

#63 Gayle Campbell (McFarlin) on 08.26.13 at 5:46 pm

So sorry to have learned of this event after the fact. It would have been a lot of fun strolling down the halls. Even more sad now to learn the school is being demolished. Let’s all hope for a big celebration when Thomson opens it’s new doors!
Be well everyone!

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